
Meet Sophie.  As loyal, friendly, and fun as a puppy could ever have been.  For Sophie’s first sixteen months our family took on the fortunate role as “puppy raisers”, and the experience changed our lives forever- as beloved pets so often do.

On a typical day in Morristown, NJ, if you walk around town you are likely to see the wonderful work of the Seeing Eye Foundation in action as the dogs, matched with a trainer, practice for when they will be assigned to a visually impaired partner.  However, before the dogs are ready to be trained, they must spend their first twelve to sixteen months with a foster family, known as “puppy raisers”.  

We adopted Sophie, our first with the Seeing Eye, in the spring of 2016.  We quickly grew to love Sophie as she became our family’s best friend.  She was loyal, fun, and incredibly patient; never seeming to mind the near constant tugs and pulls from our enthusiastic five year-old.  She became part of the fabric of our family.  We all knew and understood our role as a family: to love and care for her until she was ready for training.  And so when the white van from Seeing Eye pulled up our driveway last spring, it was with incredibly heavy hearts (and a lot of tears) that we said goodbye to our friend, Sophie.  Our experience with her reminded us of the important virtues of patience, community, simplicity, anticipation, discipline, and above all love.  We were grateful for time we had with her, and we knew that she was moving on to serve a greater purpose. Those first few weeks without her were filled with emotional reminders of our time together.  What filled those empty moments, was the hope that she was in good hands, playing with other dogs, and successfully progressing through her training. 

A few weeks ago, approximately four months after we said goodbye, our family was invited to Morristown to see Sophie’s “Town Walk”.  This is an opportunity for puppy raisers to see their dog navigate the sidewalks, streets, and crosswalks with an assigned trainer.  We didn’t get to approach Sophie as she was no longer our’s and it would not have helped her training, but we did get to follow her from a short distance.  It was a powerful experience for us, to see the dog we loved, cared for and raised well on her way to this new life of service.  It was both sentimental, gratifying and comforting to see that she was happy and cared for.  

I thank my wife for coming up with this idea, becoming Seeing Eye puppy raisers, for it was an experience for our family that united us in a common purpose and brought us memories that will last a lifetime.  We recently were informed that next week, our family will be adopting our second puppy!  Sophie would be so proud.

Since 1929, The Seeing Eye, headquartered in Morristown, has trained 16,500 dogs to serve as guide dogs for the visually impaired. The Seeing Eye Foundation’s mission is to “to enhance the independence, dignity and self-confidence of people who are blind, through the use of specially trained Seeing Eye dogs.”  

To learn more about the Seeing Eye Foundation, visit their website at seeingeye.org.


Failing Up (way up)

Elon Musk knows failure.  As the founder and CEO of SpaceX, a private space transportation and exploration company, he has witnessed several costly and gut-wrenching mishaps that have resulted in major setbacks in the company's path towards success.  In just over six years, SpaceX has attempted 30 rocket launches, and with each launch surpassing the previous one in terms of goals accomplished and lessons learned.  Not of all of these launches have been successful.   One of SpaceX's long-term goals is to develop the technology to eventually send humans to colonize Mars.  Mars!  To do this, rockets will need to be reusable, not only to save money and time but to also allow those who first get to Mars to be able to return.  Yeah, this is big.

The challenge in developing reusable rockets is that once they launch they need to return, and land...upright!  I find that completely incomprehensible (probably because I wasn't alive when Armstrong and Aldrin went for a stroll on the moon).  That humankind can send a 230ft rocket, weighing over 1 million pounds, at over 17,000mph, as high as 100 miles into the sky, return it to earth and land it vertically is truly remarkable and a tribute to the talents and determination of really bright, resilient and passionate people.  Since 2015, SpaceX has attempted this type of landing thirteen times, and on five of those occasions, the rocket failed to land perfectly upright and exploded.  Their first attempt was in January of 2015: failure.  April of 2015: failure.  June of 2015: failure.  And then this happened on December 22nd, 2015 (trust me, it's worth the three minutes of your time):

While the technology behind this feat is awe-inspiring, it is the reactions of the SpaceX employees that I enjoy the most.  Clearly, they are celebrating an extraordinary accomplishment that was formed through overcoming a series of failures.  A "We Did It!", Landing-on-the-Moon moment.

Since its publication in 2006, Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck has helped inform our beliefs about success and intelligence.  Dr. Dweck's TED Talk is one of the site's most popular with over five million views since 2014.  In her groundbreaking book, Dweck writes, "“the passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.” To work at SpaceX (or NASA, or any other aerospace transportation company) must require a growth mindset.  Failure can't be feared, but must be used as an inspiration to learn more, to embrace redesign, and solve problems.  As Thomas Edison is credited with saying, “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” The innovators of today have learned to embrace failure as an iterative step towards success.   

This past fall, thirty-four students in our school participated, for the first time, in a First LEGO League (FLL) robotics competition.   The students, led by a patient and passionate group of volunteer parents, spent nearly three months learning to build and program LEGO robots to accomplish specific, autonomous tasks. Having little prior knowledge about this program and programming robots, our students embraced the challenge with positive attitudes and willingness to expand their learning horizons (see Dweck's Growth Mindset).  I can attest to many moments of frustration as the result of a failed "run" or glitch in a program code.  Yet these teams of students worked collaboratively and creatively to overcome these obstacles and, by the end of the season, were able to successfully program their robots to accomplish a diverse series of tasks.  

Our culminating event was an inter-squad competition that required each of the teams to accomplish specific missions.  At one of the stations the task was to get the robot to make a difficult turn and go over a fence (see picture above).  One of the teams made three attempts and couldn't get the robot lined up exactly right (they were under a strict time limit too) to accomplish the task.  They were frustrated; this was their "landing of the rocket" moment.  They knew they had the programming and design skills to accomplish the task but they couldn't pinpoint the exact problem that was preventing their success.  I could tell by their reactions that they cared about finding the right solution.   They would have stayed all night long programming, testing, and redesigning to get this specific mission right.  At that point, I didn't care if they figured it out, that wasn't what was important to me.  I knew they cared, and I knew that they wouldn't let failure stop them from trying, but rather they would use the experience to push them towards success; they were intrinsically motivated, a crucial component of lasting success.  

So that's what I think when I see hundreds of SpaceX employees, most of whom look like they are only ten years older than our LEGO Robotics students, celebrating a successful launch and landing; an exuberant celebration of perseverance, resilience, collaboration and success- fueled by failure.

Related Resources:

On February 19th, 2017- SpaceX did it again.  See them stick the landing that inspired this blog post:

How can educators and parents encourage the next generation of innovators.  See this blog post, "Graduating All Students Innovation Ready" , by Tony Wagner, author of Creating Innovators and Most Likely to Succeed. 

 SpaceX isn't the only game in town.  Blue Origins, founded by Amazon's Jeff Bezos, also hopes to get in the space travel business.  Their goal is to establish private tours of space.  They too, have figured out how to land the reusable rocket.  See below:


The National Mall

In the months of May and June, the area surrounding the National Mall of Washington, D.C. is aswarm with the easily discernible energy of middle-schoolers.  Schools across the nation, celebrating the end of a school year, send their students, by the busload, to bring classroom history and civics lessons to life.  The outcome of this experience- besides the blisters, spells of dehydration and exhaustion- is by design, a more informed and appreciative citizen.  

One can read about the Vietnam War or watch one of the popular mainstream films that attempt to encapsulate the era in which it was fought, but you can't replicate the experience of seeing a grieving friend at the Wall- connecting with someone they knew decades ago.  One can't imagine the silent tension of remembrance that you feel while walking the expanse of the entire Vietnam Veterans Memorial.  

There are similar scenes and moments of historical absorption at the other war memorials nearby, including the Korean War Memorial and the World War II Memorial.  At these memorials, you can speak with, and gain a new appreciation for, the veterans of these wars.  They regularly come back to these memorials, proudly wearing hats, clothing or medals that indicate their specific service, to honor their friends and fellow service men and women- many of which didn't come home.

In 2011, the National Park Service established a new monument- the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.  The experience at this site provides a different experience for the visitor.  It stands as a powerful commemoration of the wisdom of the great Civil Rights leader.  On August 28th, 1963, Dr. King stood at the Lincoln Memorial (see photo above) and delivered one of the most famous speeches in American History; the "I Have A Dream" speech.  In the speech, Dr. King craftily used the words of the Declaration of Independence to demand new civil rights legislation.  Fittingly and intentionally, the memorial to Dr. King is placed in a way to create a straight line from Abraham Lincoln to Dr. King to Thomas Jefferson (one of the authors of the Declaration of Independence).  

The National Mall experience, a rite of passage for so many American middle-schoolers, and for so many more reasons and places than I described above, is an invigorating experience that provides physical and emotional reminders of our democratic values.  

My favorite spot?  Yes, the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.  At the feet of Lincoln.  Where King stood. From this vantage point, we see the towering monument named after our first President and in the distance the U.S. Capitol, where our current political leaders work.  This one place, with its rich history, encourages us to reflect on what has been and dream of what can be.

Photo Credit: Me
On a previous visit to Washington D.C., I woke up early, grabbed a Capital Bike  just down the block from the hotel and pedaled furiously to the Mall, hoping to have the Lincoln Memorial to myself.  This shot is from the top of the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, from the spot that Dr. King stood while delivering his "I Have A Dream" speech on August 28th, 1963.